Thursday, 4 June 2009


藝人石堅..Great respect! Rest in Peace!

Friday, 1 May 2009

Taking Chance - Kevin Bacon

Grew up watching Kevin Bacon's footloose, a few good men, flatliner, Apollo 13...

This is a great movie well performed by Kevin Bacon. The story is simple but full of realism, and emotion. Grade AAA movie!

Thursday, 12 March 2009

Slumdog Millionaire

This is really a very touching and well written script, and a mixture of reality and imagination. Very natural acting and good speed and storyline... 5 Stars*****

Slumdog Millionaire is a 2008 British film directed by Danny Boyle, written by Simon Beaufoy, and co-directed in India by Loveleen Tandan.[2] It is an adaptation of the Boeke Prize-winning and Commonwealth Writers' Prize-nominated novel Q & A (2005) by Indian author and diplomat Vikas Swarup.

After its world premiere at Telluride Film Festival and subsequent screenings at the Toronto International Film Festival and the London Film Festival,[3] Slumdog Millionaire initially had a limited North American release on 12 November 2008 by Fox Searchlight Pictures and Warner Bros. Pictures, to critical acclaim and awards success. It later had a nationwide release in the United Kingdom on 9 January 2009 and in the United States on 23 January 2009.[4] It premiered in Mumbai on 22 January 2009.[5] The DVD and Blu-ray versions are set to be released on 31 March 2009.[6]

Slumdog Millionaire was nominated for ten Academy Awards in 2009 and won eight, the most for any film of 2008, including Best Picture and Best Director. It also won five Critics' Choice Awards, four Golden Globes, and seven BAFTA Awards, including Best Film. Despite the film's success, it is the subject of controversy concerning its portrayals of Indians and Hinduism as well as the welfare of its child actors.

Saturday, 17 January 2009


This is one of the best Chinese movie for 2008!

由甄子丹主演,葉偉信導演《葉問》一片,在香港12月19日上映至今共18天,票房已累積計HK$2,100萬港幣,這令發行公司興奮不己。本片在港原只 有25家戲院上映,由於連續兩週榮登票房冠軍,再加上觀眾口碑載傳,後又陸續增加至37家,愈映愈盛,在短短不到三週內,票房已累積港幣兩千多萬,同時本 片已列入97年度香港「全年十大最賣座香港影片」前三名〈現仍在上映中〉,由於《葉問》真材實料、鏡頭紮實、武打氣勢威猛,節奏明快,又充滿民族意識,因 此許多香港及內地觀眾看了後熱血沸騰、亢奮不已,甚至看兩遍以上,紛紛將《葉問》加入話題討論!

此片一推出,便獲影評人極高的評價, 他們認為這片好在它的「純」,沒有爆破、特技,而是真實呈現武術精神及民族情操,口耳相傳、加上網路討論持續發燒,觀眾不斷擠進電影院只為觀賞本片,造成 電影院的大塞車,香港和大陸《葉問》的票房一週比一週好,甚至一票難求,締造《葉問》票房奇蹟,這種現像是香港近年來難得一見的。

甄 子丹在這部戲的演技獲得好評,《葉問》也讓他贏得北京紅人榜的「最佳男演員獎」。甄子丹所飾演的葉問,是巨星李小龍的師父,也是詠春拳的一代宗師。葉問十 分熱愛武術,同時又有涵養,想要把詠春拳發揚光大。但不巧的是葉問生於日軍侵華時期,為了維護中國人的尊嚴及堅持中國武術武德,他拒絕教授日本人中國武 術,最後被迫與日本三浦將軍(池內博之飾)決戰,更激起國人之團結,愛國情操令人熱血沸騰,葉問也成了大家心中的民族英雄。從人物方面來說,導演將人物個 性刻劃的十分鮮明,甄子丹將葉問不卑不亢,溫文儒雅的氣質,以及其正義感和愛國情操表現的恰到好處。

繼《殺破狼》後,這次是甄子丹和 葉偉信導演第四次合作,兩人合作經驗豐富,加上洪金寶擔任武術導演,鐵三角的組合也為票房做了保證。這次洪金寶也突破經典,擺脫過去武打模式,增加速度感 與真實感。片中武打場面精采震懾,演員們都親自上陣,真材實料,動作迅速敏捷,武打場面百分之百拳拳到肉,武術的細緻及美感表現的淋漓盡致,對於觀眾們是 不折不扣的視覺饗宴,大呼過癮!

《葉問》呈現大時代的轉變,日治時期下中國人 的脆弱及堅忍表露無疑。這不僅是一部武打片,也是歷史時代之鉅作。另外,片中的佈景也十分細膩,戲中的三個場景:武館街、葉問大宅、已荒廢30年的棉花 廠,都佈置的十分細緻真實,劇中街道的熱鬧場面,令觀眾彷彿置身於30年代。

A +